About Reason Rest Stop
Reason Rest Stop is a Route 66 online oasis of political and literary opinion as well as commentary on current events and happenings offering an alternative viewpoint from a section of this internationally renowned thoroughfare well known for its reliable brand of conservatism. Of the Mother Road’s 2400+ mile eight state trail, Oklahoma is undisputedly its most conservative segment. Of the over 400 miles of Old Route 66 stretching through the Sooner State, the Oklahoma GOP holds a majority in every single county it transits. In terms of Presidential electoral politics, the GOP candidate has carried 77 of 77 Oklahoma counties in the past six elections. Oklahoma has not voted for a Democrat since LBJ in 1964. For us resident non-conservative types who follow local and national politics it is much like the weather; we may complain but there is really nothing we can do about it beyond our civic duty. This blog is representative of the enclaves and venues in my hometown and state that make the place habitable with their appeal to a live-and-let-live lifestyle and outside-the-box thinking. Route 66 is not just a storied highway that has produced an entrepreneurial gimmick. It is an attraction for every variety of soul both nationwide and worldwide and a wonderful place to meet people and see and do things you might never have otherwise experienced. It is not just the politics that is the draw for amusement along this part of the road. This stretch of the old Route offers its own world of history and culture in food, music, art, film, literature and all manner of other entertainment. I will double down on all the cash in my wallet and venture a guess that you won’t have to go far off the beaten path to find something that might provide you a noteworthy experience should you ever take the time to visit. Thank you for stopping in!

About the Route66Kid
I am the Route66Kid! I was born next to the Mother Road as it passes through what is now known as Midtown Tulsa. I grew up along Old Route 66, walked along it, crossed it or attended school next to it every day of the World as a youth. I served in the U.S. Navy at Port Hueneme, CA about an hour from the Mother Road’s western terminus in Santa Monica and then later at Great Lakes, IL some forty minutes from its eastern starting point at Grant Park and Lakeshore Drive in Chicago. I lived along the Old Route when I attended school in Oklahoma City. I became familiar with nearly every crack in I-40 and I-15 from driving back and forth to and from California as well as I-55 and I-44 driving to and from Chicago during my aforementioned career in the Navy. I have been able to visit a few restored segments of the old Route paralleling those new ultra-mod interstates and I believe these true remnants of 20th Century Americana rate preservation. Today I am retired and still live in Tulsa, not far from America’s Main Street. I have learned much in my years of traveling the Mother Road, serving in the Navy and working in rural Oklahoma and feel a genuine sense of duty to share that wisdom. Reason Rest Stop is my vehicle for expressing my first person account of life and times along the old Route and provide my viewpoint of opinion and commentary. Again, thank you for stopping in!