As 2018 drains away by the minute, I become ever more mindful of the usual milestone year-end promptings. This has become the inevitable time for me to look back on the year that was, or at least the things about it I saw fit to record in my own hand. Well, actually, in my own…
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Highlights in the headlights: celebrating four years of RRS
As it turns out, writing is a more common passion than I thought. Yes, there are those whose living depends upon their ability to express themselves in words and to create something from nothing by painting life portraits on blank pages via written language. Seeking to earn a living by such means is an honorable…
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Late autumn values inventory
“…one thing we can all agree on are the common values that are neither Republican nor Democrat, neither liberal nor conservative, neither wealthy nor destitute, neither religious nor agnostic. These are the values that are American and, as it turns out, basic to being human.”
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The First Armistice at 100
One hundred years ago at the stroke of the eleventh hour on this, the eleventh day of the eleventh month, all the guns on the Western Front fell silent. Jubilation ensued on both sides of No Man’s Land as the front line soldiers emerged from their trenches to embrace a very welcomed peace. If only…
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The electoral needle moves out of the red
It is the morning after the 2018 midterm election and the sun has in fact risen in the east and now is shining on a 242-year-old republic which will no longer be governed under one-party control. Democratic House of Representatives candidates have won the requisite number of seats, some of which are still in the…
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Navigating through the campaign mud
Under oath, when an ordinary citizen deliberately communicates a blatant and provable falsehood to an elected politician it is called perjury. Over mass media, when that same politician communicates a spun half-truth or an out and out bald-faced lie (or directly benefits from a dark money group choking the airwaves with tall tales on their…
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Preserving our humanity
Inner peace is the most precious intangible any soul can find, achieve or arrive at as a destination. Each individual must seek to find that often ethereal and elusive sense of well-being that provides that reassurance from a still small voice emanating from deep within that tells them all is right with their World. This…
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Documentary film review: Fahrenheit 11/9
If there were a prize to award to a filmmaker who could correctly assess, diagnose, provide an accurate etiology and prognosis if corrective action is not taken by a community or group of people, there is but one recipient who could win it outright multiple times over. There are few in the business who can…
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Restoring checks, balances and sanity
Ah, September! Football Time in Oklahoma has been ushered in with a welcomed decline in the daily high temperature and the primary election runoff is now in the rear view mirror! The changing of the seasons has brought us a clear picture of who is running against whom for what office as we are now…
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Untainting the term “career politician”
It is an even numbered year and campaign season is in full swing along this, the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66. Although this particular corridor of the Mother Road may be a microcosm of the rest of the USA, the shade of red it sports makes for a louder than average echo canyon…
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