Is it my imagination or is there really a growing number of people seeking to better the World and their own lot in it? That query may perhaps be purely rhetorical but from my vantage point I can validate that it is not my imagination. I may not be able to speak for the entire…
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Serving notice on the cult of personality devotees
Celebrities and their adoring fans have a unique relationship. Whatever appeal a celebrity exudes often attracts a following drawn to their characteristics and traits with which fans identify or a professional record or personal history that resonates or perhaps even defines the fan’s own. Professional or financial success, be it actual or perceived, can be…
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Bill Maher: HBO live at the Brady Theater
Tulsa’s Brady Theater played host to another of those life-enhancing events for the liberal and progressive minded folks who reside along this, the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66. Few celebrity comedians validate progressive values and touch all the right nerves of liberals immersed in life in Red State America with the precision and…
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A clarion call for social change
One of the motivating reasons for creating this unofficial publication was to provide an alternative viewpoint on political, social and cultural issues from a locality that is lodged in a perpetual state of conservative traditionalism rooted in evangelical Christian patriarchy. I’ve heard more than a few visitors from other places in the USA and overseas…
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Ten years without Carlin: Oh George, how we miss thee!
I am forever grateful to live in such an interesting time and place such as in the middle of the United States in 2018. The more things that focus the attention of both brilliant less gifted minds weighing in on daily happenings in America and the World, my calling as a chronicler of the events…
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Veterans, candidates and an approaching primary election
“Conditions win elections and not speeches.” That assertion was once made by Oklahoma’s most famous Democrat, Will Rogers. If the conditions created by implementing radical ideas enabled by one-party rule in my beloved home state for the better part of a decade are not enough to move a majority of voters to shift the needle…
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Overturning the New Deal
Long game strategies, when employed with simplicity, specificity and devout dedication, are the most effective way to cause change lasting for decades. When the Labor Movement and others seeking to safeguard the rank-and-file worker and common citizen from economic calamity gained a friend in the White House, many of their ideas and demands found their…
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The spring of the grassroots
We are well into May of a midterm election year and in spite of an unseasonably cool spring, primary election campaigns are off and running. Regardless of what may be happening in the larger national and global picture, the focus on local state legislative politics is heating up. Given that all politics is local, that…
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A citizen’s testimony of a failed state government
Like many other evolving stories which illuminate and illustrate our life and times along this, the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66, I have had to stop myself more than once from writing this piece before the subject matter was ripe enough to rate appropriate commentary. Since January 2011, the Oklahoma State Senate, House…
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A look back on a leader in crisis
As I have often mused while waxing nostalgic, the more things change the more they stay the same. As a child, I remember asking certain of my elders what they thought of what we were seeing on the evening news only to be dismissed by categorical proclamations that the World and the nation were “Going…
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