Of all the federally observed holidays on the American calendar, the one slated for the last Monday in May has for me always been the most somber and sobering. I’m sure most people who have sustained the loss of a loved one regardless if their lives ended on active duty in the armed forces or…
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A long day at the sausage factory
If you are fond of the taste of sausage then never let yourself get talked into watching how its made and especially never agree to participate in the process of making it. Even still, a state political convention is something everyone should experience at least once. This past Saturday over 600 passionate delegates from all…
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We are not OK
Life seems to have been toeing the line of the surreal for the past couple weeks while events, local and national, happen in real time and evolve over a period of days. This past week there was a candidate forum for those running for Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party where four of the five…
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One hundred days of lunacy
A couple of weeks after winning the November General Election, the then President-elect delivered a speech to the nation detailing his bold plan for this first 100 days: Policy Plan for the First 100 Days Any non-Fox “News” journalist, ie, any reality based media person who is not a cheerleader for the current regime and…
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One hundred years of American might
When the Central Powers of Europe mobilized their armed forces in August 1914 and the Allied Powers mobilized theirs in response, it was widely believed by many on both sides that the conflict would be glorious, short-lived and decisive. Few of the pro-military interventionists gave any credibility to the prospect of a protracted, drawn out…
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Picking up the pieces of shattered trust
So we never thought it could happen to us. I’m sure we would all love to think that. This particular train of thought is a familiar cerebral pathway unique to many of us who, either directly or indirectly, have ever had to negotiate their way through the fallout generated by the shambles such an awful…
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Leftoverture at 40 still crisp by Kansas at 44
Online purchase of two tickets, four rows back from Stage Left: $216.00 Pre-concert dinner of Coneys, Frito Pie and iced tea: $8.95 The cheapest swag item and two skunky draft beers: $43.00 Taking in the sounds of one of the most iconic bands of my youth in the same venue where I paid to see…
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A bad week for Republicans
I don’t believe I have ever described what it is like as a liberal looking up from this particular stretch of Old Route 66. Politically speaking, we are like at the very bottom of an extremely deep canyon. When we look up all we see are Republicans dropping mostly crap and an occasional few bread…
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Theater review: The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial
It is true what they say, the sailor may leave the Navy but the Navy will never leave the sailor. When the presiding officer of this fictional court martial entered from Stage Left and the actor playing the uniformed court orderly sounded off “Atten-HUT” I had to stop myself from popping tall. The Tulsa Performing…
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The teetering Trump Tower of cards
We are now approaching the halfway mark of the 45th President’s “First 100 Days” and in spite of being beset by numerous self-inflicted setbacks, the President is pressing on with his agenda. Just what IS the intention of President Trump? We should make no mistake about it. The man is following the policy input of…
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