Regular readers may recall posts over the past couple years where I have taken note of generated by high court decisions in favor of some of the pressing progressive social issues of our time. A year ago I posted about in the aftermath of the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Obviously, I was not the…
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The GOP’s pact with Satan
With total control of all levers of government, it is reasonable to state that it is high tide for the Republican Party as they hold majorities in both chambers of the U.S. Congress and hold the White House. One thing about high tides, they always eventually recede. I’m curious as to what all the receding…
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Approaching the line of departure
The American nation has survived three weeks into the Donald J. Trump Presidency and the contrast in the performance of a novice administrator and the expectations the job demands of a public servant could not be more glaring. With less than one month gone since his inauguration, President Trump has yet to begin making the…
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The United States of Oceania?
We have survived into the second week of President Trump’s America and to say this has been a newsworthy few days is an understatement. In just over one week there have been over a dozen Presidential Executive Orders including some that impose unconstitutional overreach on specific segments of the population. Through it all, the President…
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The spreading miasma of Trump voter remorse
We are a week into Donald Trump’s America and we are seeing a lot of the things we expected. The newly sworn in 45th President wasted no time in commencing the execution of his agenda. Much of it he did the first day and the rest followed in the first week. Among the things he…
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Beginning benchmarks for the Trump Administration
Just to confirm reality, the sun did in fact rise in the east the day after President Trump was sworn into office. Even though the day was cool and overcast, many turned out in support of the Million Woman March in Washington, DC and around not only the nation but across the entire World. Amid…
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In honor of the 44th President
As the Presidency of Barack Obama enters its final hours, I wax nostalgic and remember fondly the breath of hope his victory in 2008 gave many of us in the face of frightening national and world events. His impressive fifty state grassroots campaign for President of the United States bore the embodiment and inspiration of…
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Transitioning into resistance mode
One of my more caustic memories of the 2016 campaign involved an incident experienced by my local Democratic state house candidate. One of his campaign signs placed along side of a busy thoroughfare was vandalized. An obvious Trump supporter stapled a placard over both sides of the sign with the following message: THE SILENT MAJORITY…
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New year, new era, newspeak
Regular readers may have noted that I have on occasion made the statement “let it never be said we do not live in interesting times.” I will now add to that particular train thought to never let it be said that America is not unique among nations. The USA is indeed the occupant of a…
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Farewell 2016: Wrapping up Volume 42
As the year winds down, this is the time I tend to get introspective and wax philosophical on the record of the past twelve months which I have kept on a daily basis. When I key in my account of the final day of December 2016 this evening it will be the 366th entry of…
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