Have you ever stood in a line and waxed philosophical at the length of it? I found myself doing that very thing last night. The most conservative segment of Old Route 66 had a visit from Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Senator Sanders got to visit some of our local cultural venues like the Woody…
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Feeling the axis tilting leftward
It has been a week since the World learned the news of the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. I have purposefully waited until after his his memorial service this weekend before weighing in on the implications presented by his sudden absence on the Court. As with the death of any respected public official…
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Oklahoma State House District 70: GAME ON!
I have been a resident of Oklahoma State House District 70 (Midtown/South Tulsa) for just over four years. In that time there have been two Republicans who have been elected to represent the constituents of this very red district. The first was Ron Peters whose tenure from 2000 to 2012 was ended by term limits. …
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Movie review: Where To Invade Next
How do we make America great again? We do things that will upset the order and control of corporate conformity, worry less about making all the money possible and return to simple original Yankee ideas that made America the place everyone wanted to be in the first place. Michael Moore’s entire premise is not a…
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Reflections on the game on Super Bowl Sunday
This afternoon the AFC champion Denver Broncos and NFC champion Carolina Panthers are going to tee it up for Super Bowl 50. When I sit and think about it this annual spectacle, probably the most watched sporting event in North America if not on the entire planet, has been a fixture in our life and…
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A precarious house of cards
We are barely a full month into 2016 and it is already shaping up to be a rough year to be a Republican in Oklahoma and the rest of the nation. Forget the mess that somehow qualifies as the Republican Presidential Primary. Closer to home, our Sooner State GOP-led legislature is looking at managing government…
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The enduring body of work of David Bowie
Music forms a tapestry that serves as a backdrop of life. Of all the minutia that composes the composite of modern human identity, music often reveals much regarding a person’s history, character and personal disposition. Music has a unique way of touching the human soul, imprinting on the psyche association with other people, places, times…
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The name of the city is spelled T-U-L-S-A
Wednesday was a very newsworthy day along this the most conservative stretch of the Mother Road. Our fair city had a visit from a GOP Presidential candidate and his former VP candidate water carrier. Other than their brief presence three miles around the corner and down the street from where I am sitting posting this,…
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GOP economic and foreign policy: World American Realignment (WAR)
When your only tool is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail.
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Winning Blue again in a sea of Red
The polls have closed in Oklahoma Senate District 34 (Owasso, Northeast Tulsa, Sperry, Skiatook, Turley, Collinsville) and the final vote tally in the Special Election went to the Democrat in the race, Owasso teacher and football coach J.J. Dossett! In a district that has been a GOP bastion since 1990, Senator-elect Dossett proved that a…
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