Anyone in the over 40 demographic who pays attention to politics likely still has vivid memories of the 2004 Presidential campaign. That particular year holds a special significance for Yours Truly as that was when I actually got down off the fence and chose sides by joining a political party for the first time in…
Continue ReadingAuthor: Route66Kid
The nucleus of a winning message
We are still over three months away from Primary season for the 2016 General Election and sensory overload from candidate interviews and rhetoric seems to be the new normal. Turn on any cable news outlet or talk radio program and much of the time it is like trying to take a drink of water from a wide open fire hydrant. As is often…
Continue ReadingPropaganda, nonsense and a thinning herd of candidates
It was a very newsworthy week in both the nation and along this, the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66. Yes, we had a visit from a GOP Presidential hopeful in Tulsa this past Thursday. Dr. Ben Carson, who has surged past Mr. Donald Trump in some polls, was on hand at a local…
Continue ReadingThe pre-primary project of reinvention
Evolution of the adult character, persona and political credentials is a fascinating phenomenon. The value of education is that it affords enlightened minds an opportunity to change opinions and embrace new values based on established evidence and reason. Experience likewise allows for the releasing of viewpoints, doctrines and policies that fail more than they succeed or outright do not…
Continue ReadingBenghazi, Planned Parenthood and the point of diminishing returns
Much has happened in America this past week in spite of the fact that inside the Beltway our government, specifically the GOP-led House of Representatives, is languishing in indecision. For a political party to have such overwhelming success during a midterm election a year ago, they sure have had a disproportionate degree of difficulty getting…
Continue ReadingEmbracing the right to not get shot
The Constitution of the United States is a beautiful document not so much for its literary elegance but more for the ideals it embodies. In short it is the heart, soul and character of a grand experiment that is still in progress. As the next election cycle heats up it seems that there are a…
Continue ReadingConservatism’s not-so-finest hour
It has been a week and a few days of heavy news much of which is still evolving which accounts for such a tardy post on the subject. Yes, it has been a time of a Papal visit to America and of a Presidential candidate’s visit to Oklahoma, and of the resignation of the third office in line to the Presidency. …
Continue ReadingMovie review: The Stanford Prison Experiment
You only deserve as much abuse as you are willing to tolerate. That has become one of my personal credos over the years. Director Kyle Patrick Alvarez validated this for me once again in his docudrama The Stanford Prison Experiment. I attended a matinee showing of this film at Circle Cinema in Whittier Square this…
Continue ReadingThe decline of the fourth estate
It has been another exciting week along this the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66. One historic date that passed nearly unnoticed was the 228th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution which was Thursday, September 17th. I realize I refer to the Constitution often as so many topics I write about somehow relate to…
Continue ReadingSooner Road Warriors!
As an OU alumnus as well as a dedicated fan and follower of Sooner Football, I have had my concerns about the coaching leadership of Bob Stoops and the program since their epic collapse last season. Honestly, Bedlam 2014 in Norman was a terrible sight for a sober fan (and not much better for the tipsy ones) as our beloved…
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