Seventy years ago on this day the second of two atomic bombs was dropped on Japan, this one on the city of Nagasaki. The sad irony of targeting Nagasaki was that it contained the highest population of Christians per capita in all of Asia outside of the Philippines. In all fairness to Major Sweeney, the pilot of…
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Losing fear of a much maligned label
The 2016 Presidential campaign has taken off and it is hard to keep track of who said what about which and to whom. There is one thing however that has not escaped my attention amid all the hoopla. There appears to be a number of newfound champions of the Middle Class among those vying for the GOP nomination. Apparently…
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Feeling the Bern!
History was made on Old Route 66 tonight along with around 3500 other venues nationwide involving around 100,000 grass roots supporters of Vermont Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. Yours truly attended one of a few Tulsa for Bernie meetings, the one held at the Transport Workers Union Local 514. I along with some 140 other attendees got…
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Welcome registered Independents!
An election is a numbers game. That was the issue on which debate was postponed on May 30th when time expired on the Oklahoma Democratic Party Convention. The ODP reconvened its convention yesterday, July 25th at the Oklahoma City Community College Student Union. Yours truly was an official delegate from Tulsa County. It was a beautiful Saturday to…
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Making Presidential history on Old Route 66!
What a week it has been along this the most conservative segment of Old Route 66! This past Wednesday in the Bryan County seat of Durant in the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, President Barack Obama became the first sitting U.S. President to visit that town since Teddy Roosevelt in 1905. Forget the fact that he…
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The Theocratic Republic of Oklahoma?!?
Fallout has been raining down from the June 30th Oklahoma Supreme Court decision banning the Ten Commandments monument from the grounds of the State Capitol building in Oklahoma City. It seems Governor Mary Fallin and a few members of the state legislature aligned with her are not happy about not getting their way. The Governor insisted…
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A massive political tectonic plate shift
It has been a rough couple of weeks to be a conservative Republican in America. As I sit here writing this my thoughts drift back to what happened in Gettysburg, PA 152 years ago this very afternoon. Members of the GOP, especially the Evangelical wing of the party, must feel like Confederate survivors of Pickett’s Charge. As one rebel…
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Farewell to toxic symbolism
It has been a very historic week in America in terms of commemorating notable events, landmark decisions handed down by the highest court in the land and executive orders issued by some southern state governors to remove archaic incendiary emblems from their purview. I myself could feel the tectonic shift of public opinion when the Supreme Court…
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FreeOK 2015
Imagine if you will a camp meeting of atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers and pagans. Focus on that conceptual image for a moment and you can grasp the essence of the fifth annual Oklahoma Freethought Convention. FreeOK 2015 was held on Saturday, June 20th at the Cox Business Center in Tulsa. This is another of those…
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A gutted budget, lofty platitudes and good stuff, too!
Will Rogers once waxed philosophical on the subject of the Congressional budget: “The budget is like a mythical bean bag. Congress votes mythical beans into it, then reaches in and tries to pull real ones out.” Oh Will, you have no idea how creative the legislature of your beloved home state has become in paying its bills. Earlier…
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