Like many of my fellow Oklahomans, I have a list of memories of the Oklahoma City Federal Building long before it became the center of the universe twenty years ago for the worst of reasons. Like most other people I know, I never knew its namesake, Alfred P. Murrah, was an old federal judge until…
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Pay-to-play law enforcement?!?
Sadly it is not my imagination that my beloved home state and home town cannot seem to stay out of national and international limelight of tragedy and shame. Again, this is one blog post that I have had to stop myself from making more than once since this story broke last week and I may…
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Ex-Republicans in charge
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her formal announcement on Sunday that she was a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for President of the United States. Image by Hillary Clinton, once the President of the Wellesley College Young Republicans, enters the fray with another ex-Republican. Democrat Jim Webb, the former Virginia Senator,…
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Appomattox + 150
One hundred fifty years ago today marked the end of a period of national blood letting. At the home of Wilmer McLean in Appomattox, Virginia, Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia to Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, commander of the Federal Army of the Potomac effectively ending what is now known in the parlance of Americana…
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The misery of living in Obama’s America, April 2015 update
Oh, the misery of living under the tyranny of responsible leadership! Are things perfect? Hardly. My question is would anyone care to return to where we were economically at 12:01 PM EST on 20 January 2009? Anyone? Behold where we are now: Obama’s Numbers April 2015 Image by History will not judge President Obama…
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Fundamental differences in leadership
Spring has arrived in an odd non-election year which means the major political parties in this, the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66, are preparing for County Convention in each of the Sooner State’s 77 counties. Being a civic minded soul and an officer in my local precinct, I have begun to think deeply…
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Thou shalt have no other gods before the Almighty Dollar!
After his rope-a-dope of non answers to a straight forward question on ABC’s This Week on Sunday morning, Indiana governor Mike Pence revealed his true allegiance to the Eat-their-cake-and-have-it-too lobby. Fallout is raining down amid whipsawing backlash from big business at the Governor’s signing of the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act last week. When given…
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Surveying our priorities
Another week has passed in which I had to restrain myself from blogging before all the pertinent stories evolved. It has been another week of Oklahoma in the national spotlight. On the upside, the Oklahoma Sooners advanced to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. Sadly, they were eliminated last night by Michigan State. It was…
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Iwo Jima + 70
It was seventy years ago this past week that the Pacific war battle of Iwo Jima was declared over and the island secure. Today on that small volcanic island in the western Pacific that was the site of one of the most savage battles of WWII, a group of aged veterans returned to the scene of what was likely…
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Mandating a sacred civic duty
Last month I took time to acknowledge the lowest common denominators all people living on this planet share, those being death and taxes. Today in Cleveland, OH, President Obama promoted the idea of expanding those two of life’s certainties by one more, VOTING! Coming on the heels of the 50th anniversary of the events leading…
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