Here we are a year and a half removed from our initial universal lockdown and the old saying holds true: the more things change the more they stay the same. Also too, if nothing changes, nothing changes. Even though myself and many of my friends and associates are fully vaccinated, this whole World seems like…
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The end of our turn
Afghanistan: The graveyard of empires is busy shoveling dirt on the latest burial. As they cover the final resting place of U.S. military adventurism with Taliban occupied Afghan soil, a continent-sized stage version of the old adage “failing to plan is planning to fail” is playing out before all eyes on the planet. Could the…
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50 years of desegregation: Tulsa edition
One claim any American born in the 1940s, 50s and 60s can make that can never be refuted is that we have lived in not only interesting but changing times. While it may be true the technology and wherewithal required to live day to day as a fully engaged citizen in 2021 is a great…
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A move southeast
Many major life-changing decisions present with little if any warning and are often made with a minimum of deliberation and sometimes in outright haste. Some of the most lifestyle-altering selections are made by parties far removed and above and beyond control of most of those affected by them. Some choices may seem impromtu on their…
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The 26th Amendment at 50
Those Americans who were not alive and those who were alive but not yet between their eighteenth and twenty-first birthdays before July 1st, 1971, will never be able to truly appreciate the full justice of what occurred on that date. For those readers who were not yet eighteen years of age on or who were…
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Cyber insecurity serves notice
It is known by most of the followers of this blog that Yours Truly has been on sabbatical from politics since the day after the 2020 General Election. It was my intention to keep this unofficial publication up to date with viewpoints and happenings concerning life and times along the Mother Road’s most conservative stretch. …
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The American legacy of an Oklahoma atrocity
It can be fairly stated that all humanity like all democracy is, in every sense, a work in progress. From its very beginnings the American experiment in self-governance was thought by many to be the World’s best hope for all mankind. This glowing praise was extended even as a sound and seemingly thriving nation eventually…
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The cancel culture club
Make no mistake about it, the religion of America is Free Market Capitalism. The first commandment of that religion is ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before the Almighty Dollar!’ At the end of the day, when forced to choose between an exclusive club membership and the love of the income stream provided by the…
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Arriving at a new normal
At the one year anniversary mark of America and the World shutting down in response to the rampant spread of a lethal contagion, new leadership working with the required scientific progress has humanity almost ready to emerge into a new post-Covid future. We may not have a clear idea of where we are going, but…
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The joy of rediscovery
Here we are in the twelfth month of a global pandemic and all of a sudden all the inconveniences it has imposed on us over nearly a year do not seem nearly as daunting. It could be due to the fact that more people are receiving Covid-19 vaccines than are becoming infected with the virus….
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