So, nobody ever thought it could happen here. Who in America or any other place that ever regarded this nation to be the last best hope for human self-governance ever had such a specter enter into their thinking? Outside the conceptual confines of a dystopian novel or movie script, it was just plain unthinkable, wasn’t…
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The significance of finishing Volume 46
It is by pure coincidence that the election of the 46th President of the United States happened in the year of the 46th volume of the personal daily journal kept by Yours Truly. It is also just a mere coincidence that the vast majority of the preceding forty-five volumes of that personal daily journal chronicle…
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Our long trip back to reason
It has been over a month since enough votes were counted after the November 3rd General Election to declare a Presidential winner of the Electoral College vote. Despite incessantly repeated cries of “FOUL” by the runner-up and his water carriers, there has been no credible evidence produced to substantiate any of their claims of voter…
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The priceless benefit of a clear conscience
There are two absolutes which apply to all members of the human species: 1.) the heart of every living one of us will eventually stop beating and 2.) we will be expected to pay our way legally via taxation or illegally however we can until it does. Beyond those two givens there are no guarantees…
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Slogging the last mile
Finally, we wake up and it is October 2020. It is the last full month before the November General Election and here we are. Many of us are getting that giddy feeling like we can see light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. Just about all of us felt this way in the…
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Embracing who and what we are
As summer eases into autumn, we find ourselves six weeks away from what is described by all accounts as “the most important Presidential election of our lifetime!” No doubt the November 3rd General Election looms large ahead of us in the midst of the sinister miasma known as year 2020 CE, but that doesn’t mean…
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V-J Day at 75
Five years ago I commemorated the 70th anniversary of this event with a much of which was dedicated to the service and sacrifice of those whose collective efforts made the end result of the greatest conflagration of the 20th Century possible. True to the title of that entry, I also commented at length regarding America’s…
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Fact & fiction about elections, voters & fraud
Voting is the one activity essential to a functional and vibrant democracy. A government dedicated to upholding the first fundamental principle of a democratic society religiously holds periodic free and fair elections where all eligible among the governed have unobstructed access to electing their leaders. Democracy works best when all constituents involve themselves in the…
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Respecting the one in charge
We are well into Summer 2020 and the worst fears of Yours Truly and so many others are coming to fruition in the ugliest of ways. Thanks to weak, misguided or otherwise absent competence in leadership, the USA now leads the entire World in the total number of Covid-19 cases and fatalities! Anyone who claims…
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Tulsa: Ground Zero aftermath
June 2020 has arrived and forget the fact we have a local Primary Election on the month’s last day. Unrelated events and their fallout have been coming at us fast and furious. Chief among these has been a surge in Covid-19 cases as the state and city “re-opens” and mitigation strategy has been weakly encouraged…
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