What a difference thirty days makes in electoral politics. The energy, enthusiasm and elation looking ahead to Election Day are at much different levels for the two contending Presidential campaigns than they were in mid-July. At the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention the trajectory of the Blue Team as compared to their opposition could not be more different a month out from a change in the lineup. After four very entertaining and uplifting evenings of convention build-up, the 2024 Democratic Presidential ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz was officially presented to the full body of party delegates. What was on display for most of an entire week was an increasingly energized and upbeat atmosphere of joy, inclusion and optimism for the future of America, the bright shining city on the hill. Many in the media have been saying VP Harris and Governor Walz along with the DNC organizers hit a home run. Most importantly, Democratic complacency was addressed and at the end of Thursday night as the campaign was off and running with a determination and attitude like they were ten points down. VP candidate and former football coach Walz said it best, “We’re down three points in the fourth quarter, we have the ball and we are driving.” With that the DNC’s mission of unity, purpose and above all, motivation was completed. As one cable news contributor was noted to say, “This is the first time at the DNC that we’ve all left with an assignment.”

There has been one crisp and clear dynamic of this election cycle that became apparent when the change in candidates occurred on the third Sunday of July. It appears to be quite obvious that a cogent and understandable message of joy and hope has a far better marketing appeal than unhinged rants critical of popular policies laced with often incoherent false assertions and made-up numbers. Indeed, repetitious ramblings of gloom and doom while stoking fear of “the other” just isn’t filling up the stadium seats the way it did in 2016 or even 2020. The showman has definitely lost his edge, and it is showing. The reality that a real former prosecutor is giving the reality show host the contest of his life is wearing on him in the most visibly ugliest of ways. It doesn’t help matters for the former President that the contrast between the respective picks for running mates is as stark as midday vs midnight.
Make no mistake about it. By the end of the finale on the last night of their convention, even the most caustic of cautionary critics of the Democrat’s lineup change had their doubts assuaged. It is often said in politics that we fall in love with our candidates. For two mostly unknown public servants a mere three months ago, the life stories and family backgrounds of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were presented over four nights in such a way that it was virtually impossible to NOT fall in love with them. For any wavering Democrat or undecided independent desiring real people representing real middle-of-the-road American values that they could get excited and passionate about, the 2024 Democratic ticket was tailormade. Intangibles matter and few things sell as easy as genuine authenticity. We now have a Presidential candidate who was once a McDonald’s employee and a Vice-Presidential candidate who enlisted in the Army National Guard two days after his seventeenth birthday. One has a twenty-one year career in public service having been a district attorney, a state attorney general, a US senator and vice-president. The other served twenty-four years in the Army National Guard, served twelve years in the U.S. Congress before which he was a public school classroom teacher and high school football coach. Who could not fall in love with this ticket? Kudos to the convention planners for the execution of a beautifully orchestrated event. All their effort has made falling in line behind the nominees feel natural and easy. From my vantage point, the mood and affect of nearly every Democrat I know has improved drastically over what it was after President Biden’s poor debate performance in late June. Not only does their love for the ticket show, Democrats are falling in line behind it with an unmistakable and sustained feeling of joy. Moreover, it is joy with a sense of purpose which shows in the numbers. In just over one month the Harris campaign has garnered some 400,000 volunteers and has racked up over $540 million in donations. If those are not records for one month then it is likely near the top.
With the convention in the rearview mirror, the Harris/Walz campaign is blazing a trail through America with an aggressive ground game connecting with voters who are craving change and are desperate to hear an uplifting message of hope for a bright future. Despite all the elation, nothing is being taken for granted. With the memories of the ill-fated Clinton campaign, those in charge in 2024 appear to have learned the hard lessons of 2016. One characteristic those in love and in line should be grateful to have in their toolbox this time is an authentic sense of humility. It is fair to assume most if not all persons in public service have some narcissistic traits. Too many of them can be crippling as evidenced by an aging and declining ex-President. In reality he is a past-his-prime showman considered dangerous by many and is not even endorsed by most former members of his own administration. In spite of all of this and regardless of what any poll data may indicate, with less than 70 days left until Election Day the race for the White House is at best even. Expect those 400K volunteers to spearhead an “ALL HANDS ON DECK” effort until the polls close on Election Night. Regardless of the outcome, this campaign will be remembered best as one of hope and joy for an America worthy of all effort. VP candidate Walz said it best, “We’ll sleep when we’re dead!”
Thank you for reading.
My favorite quots by Tim is: “In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make. Even if we wouldn’t make the same choice for ourselves, there’s a golden rule: Mind your own damn business.”
And I might add, “Keep your stinkin’ hands off our Democracy!” 😉
I must agree. I am smitten with our pres and vp picks for 2024. Getting away from nasty pants has been a relief. I noticed my energy has increased and my depression has lifted. My relationships with my grown children has improved now that they see what trump actually is…a piece of shit.
Join me on Tribel. It’s a home platform for Democrats, run by democrats. It’s very friendly and feels like home.
Peace my friend.
We all need this message. It was right on time when we needed it most. Wonderful and uplifting, thank you
Yes, love is in the air, and it is invigorating many of us and apparently hitting some hard where it hurts. I love your article, Stan, because you express so clearly events that I honestly had not expected to see. I have gone from a not-so-proud-to-be-an-American citizen to a “YES! This is what freedom and democracy looks like!” citizen again. Ain’t love grand?!!! Let the debates begin! I can watch them again now that the bully has an unexpected challenger. Thank you for a great essay!