We are a little over a month past Election Day 2018 and the World has continued to turn. Life and all its transitions has continued for all residing on this rock spinning through space welcoming new arrivals, bidding farewell to those departed, and the beauty of the glorious fall has given way in preparation for the coming of an expected harsh winter. For us liberal and progressive types, unlike two years ago, we can take solace in the knowledge that this is not the season of our discontent to wander lost in the cold wilderness. We are still here and we have had ample time to evaluate the err of our ways and make course corrections with some success, albeit limited along this, the Mother Road’s most conservative stretch. Not to worry though, the sense of consternation many of us felt in December 2016 has morphed into a renewed feeling of hope for our future at all levels. This should make us ever more mindful of the intangibles that we hold dear and define us as who and what we are. Those qualities we value will be our guide not only in our individual lives and relationships but also central to our message as (yes indeed) the 2020 election cycle gets underway.
Looking ahead, one thing we can all agree on are the common values that are neither Republican nor Democrat, neither liberal nor conservative, neither wealthy nor destitute, neither religious nor agnostic. These are the values that are American and, as it turns out, basic to being human. Chief among these are competent and compassionate leadership capable of appropriate empathy, sympathy, and placing the benefit of the nation over that of self.
Reading of the Apostle’s Creed at the funeral of President George H.W. Bush.
The example of national leadership is set at the top and rolls down. When we cannot rely on the quality of what our highest elected official is showing the World as a reflection of our national character, we must look inward and rededicate ourselves to the qualities that not only made us who we are but made America great in the first place. Regardless how far over the top or sensational the politics of personality and strategy of distraction may take us, we must always remember and hold to the core values that embodies what it means to be American. As it turns out, Democratic core values are not only American values but they are also basic human values.
It is imperative to never forget that, at the end of the day, the United States is a nation of laws and not of men or women. It isn’t just the direction the nation has been taken as a result of unchecked one-party governance. Those who have heretofore unconditionally supported this Executive branch and Congressional leadership have verified more about themselves than the nation as a whole. For all that has been demonstrated over the past two years in terms of regard or lack thereof for institutions of government and conventional norms of its operation, there are some things we can take away from all we have been shown.
We can safely assume that no citizen or group of citizens:
– Owns patriotism
– Possesses a monopoly on faith or morality
– Is above the law
The values with which these above items are concerned are not negotiable. If they ever are negotiable then it is time to take it back to the proverbial drawing board. As we gather our thoughts as how we are to proceed entering the 2020 election cycle, let us be ever mindful that our message must promote and advance all that we are FOR. What we are against may be important down the road but a viable alternative to a negative status quo will be an easier sell in the face of chaos and failing policies. In doing so let us take inventory of our own core values of liberty, work ethic, equality, fairness in the workplace and under the law and a commitment to the common good of all amongst others. Values inventory may be a starting point but if ever in the course of events we become distracted or some media person shoves a microphone in our face and asks what guides our world view, our values and our commitment to them will serve as a convincing response. Happy late autumn, all! Here’s to the coming season!
1 thought on “Late autumn values inventory”
I am just now reading this, Stan. I like and appreciate all that you say here. I agree, I applaud, I am strangely comforted by your words. Thank you for a great read!
I am just now reading this, Stan. I like and appreciate all that you say here. I agree, I applaud, I am strangely comforted by your words. Thank you for a great read!