Here we are facing the winter of our discontent in that ten week period between Election Day and Inauguration Day when the outgoing Presidential administration is wrapping up business and the incoming one is preparing for a successful run. Things have, with a few exceptions, cooled down. We Democrats are still licking our wounds and…
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I remember Pearl Harbor
I can never think about Pearl Harbor, the December 7th, 1941 attack, any book or movie about it or any story an old veteran ever told me regarding it without vividly remembering my time serving on or near that hallowed body of water and the ground surrounding it. Today, the 75th anniversary of the attack…
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Goodbye Leon
Last Sunday morning when I was still smarting from the election results with thoughts flashing through my head about things not being able to get any worse, I got jolted back to reality with more sobering news. When I read in my social media news feed that entertainer Leon Russell had died in his sleep,…
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Processing the results: Arriving at my fork in the road
As of 1:45 AM CST this past Wednesday morning all members of the Democratic majority throughout the nation and along this the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66 who care passionately about their country and its future have been working through the five stages of grief after Tuesday’s historically cataclysmic electoral loss. I, like…
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My take on the outcome of the 2016 General Election
As an Oklahoma Democrat, this is how I view the results of the 2016 General Election in my mind’s eye: I need to update the page on this blog to reflect yet another Presidential election where 77 out of 77 counties in Oklahoma were carried by the Republican ticket. Believe it or…
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What a wonderful rainy day for a poll dance
My dear brothers, sisters, readers of Reason Rest Stop and only friends, history is upon us today as General Election Day 2016 has arrived! I awoke early to a rainy, drizzly but at least not a cold morning. I got ready and dressed and made my way over to my voting precinct, which is literally…
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Sprinting down the home stretch
It is the first day of November in election year 2016 and we have exactly one more week until the climax of the most expensive and definitely the most trying and tiring election cycle in the History of the Republic to date. The past sixteen or so months has been a seemingly never ending public…
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Documentary Film Review: TrumpLand
A mere eleven days before the 2016 General Election, the latest work of documentary filmmaker Michael Moore opened at Tulsa’s Circle Cinema. In TrumpLand, Mr. Moore focuses little on the GOP candidate himself and mostly on the the voters who support him and why. He also thoroughly discusses the history of Hillary Rodham Clinton and…
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2016 Oklahoma Ballot Questions: Know the Issues
My dear brothers, sisters, readers of Reason Rest Stop and only friends, it is mid-October and we are in the home stretch of a marathon election cycle. So much has been said about most of the candidates on the November ballot that there seems little remaining on which to comment. Here in Oklahoma along the…
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Tulsa: Namesake of a ship of the line once again
Having served aboard a ship of the line during my first enlistment in the U.S. Navy, names of sister vessels have stuck in my memory. I served aboard a Charles F. Adams class guided missile destroyer for roughly two and a half years. These and other small combatant vessels of that era known as frigates…
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