My dear brothers, sisters, readers of Reason Rest Stop and only friends, this has been another of those weeks where I have stopped myself more than once from writing my commentary in an effort to allow a story to fully evolve. The fact of the matter is that this is a very trying time to…
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Losing our fear of fierce and polished opposition
The 2016 General Election is now a mere eight weeks away and campaign season is getting ginned up full tilt. Having been out knocking doors for a state house candidate, I found most voters on my assigned list had no clue as to who is running for what or what is really going on in…
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Shaken to our core: Making the case for regime change
On this Labor Day Holiday when we should be celebrating our working class roots and remembering those who fought, bled and died for the rights of all working people, we here along the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66 are reeling and regrouping from a very sobering weekend. Forget the fact that our beloved…
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Welcome Congressman Castro!
Here we are with some 67 days left until the November General Election and all the Democratic candidates I know, have donated coin to and for whom I have been out knocking doors, all sense a great dissatisfaction with incumbency along this the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66. Many were present on Thursday…
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The appeal of a narcissist—one year later
It was exactly one year ago that I authored a post on this blog to which I have since made frequent reference: At the time there were some sixteen other candidates in the running for the GOP nomination. One year later Mr. Donald J. Trump is the GOP nominee. Most reasonable third party observers…
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Documentary Film Review: Eat That Question–Frank Zappa in his own words
Ever since that magical time in my youth when I acquired an eclectic taste for not only his music but the dark humor and excoriating social commentary of Frank Zappa, I have often retreated into my happy place where I keep my personal altar to one of my favorite musical and messaging geniuses. Of all…
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Service and Sacrifice: A position statement
The 2016 Republican Presidential nominee, after totally mishandling some very easy questions in a Sunday morning interview, has effectively become a two-ton anchor around the neck of his own campaign as well as his party. Trying to equate his business achievements with the supreme sacrifice of an Army captain who had been killed in action…
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Post-convention identity politics
We Oklahoma Democrats who stayed home and held the fort so to speak were firmly riveted to our TV screens every evening through Thursday this past week. Even though it happened in Philadelphia, PA, it is not every day of the World we get to see such history in the making. Nominating the first woman…
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Marketing Trump’s invented reality
Let it never be said we do not live in interesting times. The American political stage departed from interesting this past week and immersed the nation in the surreal. For the record allow me to clarify that the terms “interesting” and “surreal” are not synonyms. In case you missed it, the Republican National Committee held…
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An honor and a privilege to serve
At the end of a week where the wicked World seemed to be imploding all over from Dallas to Nice to Turkey, we here along the most conservative stretch of Old Route 66 have kept plugging along. Aside from a few local candidates doing their due diligence of door knocking in their respective districts, several…
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