Two hundred years ago this Christmas Eve representatives of the United States and Great Britain negotiated an end to the War of 1812 in the Flemish city of Ghent. The Treaty of Ghent restored relations between the two nations to Status Quo Antebellum. Hostilities still existed until the treaty was ratified by the governments of both nations which for…
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The misery of living in Obama’s America
I am not going to spend a lot of time or bandwidth on this but I would like to express that given where we as a nation were in terms of key economic indicators at 12:01 PM January 20th, 2009 I would prefer to remain where we are now rather than march backward. What’s…
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When North Korea says “Jump!” who asks “How high?”
This week’s cyber-hacking of Sony Pictures by agents of the government of North Korea has brought multiple issues to the attention of our nation. Among them the focus of investing resources preparing for the next conflict instead of the last one. We’ve known about nature of future hostile actions against our nation for some time and now here it…
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The benefits and non-disaster of legal marijuana
On the way home from work this afternoon I heard the story on NPR of the Attorneys General of the States of Oklahoma and Nebraska filing a lawsuit against Colorado challenging that state’s legalization of marijuana. It seems that the plaintiff state’s AGs have high hopes of US Supreme Court intervention citing the supremacy clause. …
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The legend of Lil’Red
Oh, how glorious it is to have pets, especially dogs, especially dogs with character and especially dogs with special talents! It seems I often find myself in the pleasant company of dog people, either people who rescue them, train them, or merely keep them as their closest friends. This often causes me to wax nostalgically of my now…
Continue ReadingOn the subject of torture
Like every other adult living in 21st Century America, I reeled in horror at the 9/11/2001 attacks on our nation. As I went though the motions of that work day my thoughts and feelings were with all the victims, their families and especially those of our nation’s leaders. The following day as I was on…
Continue ReadingThe 2012 OKGOP’s Choice Speaks Again!
Rick Santorum, yes, the one term ex-Senator from Pennsylvania who ran a strong race in Oklahoma as a 2012 GOP Presidential contender collecting 33.8% of the Sooner State’s GOP delegates, is making noise again. The noise the former senator is now making is the sort that forces once again the query is this man a…
Continue ReadingLaughter IS the best medicine!
Today I attended the Tulsa County Democratic Party Luncheon Club meeting which was held at an old Route 66 venue, the Campbell Hotel and Event Center. The theme of the day in the aftermath of such a resounding electoral defeat two weeks ago was “Laughter is the Best Medicine.” Indeed, there are times we just…
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