All democracy is a work in progress. So long as human beings are in charge, all things administered by them will be subject to their frailties and subsequent failings. Many social and political endeavors instituted by visionary men and women have sought to exemplify and amplify all that is good in their species only to…
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Self-isolating in the rubble of a failed Republic
It certainly didn’t take much to bring down our vaunted House of Cards. Anyone with the slightest bit of foresight within the big picture has understood even before this President announced his candidacy nearly five years ago that we were all basking in the glory of a fool’s paradise. The frustrating part of this whole…
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Navigating through the surreal, unreal and uncharted
Credibility is the currency of leadership. Honesty fosters trust. Adherence to universally accepted facts, even when they do not serve an agenda, commands respect. Believable statements and coherent reasoning by a leader makes them easy to follow. An easy to follow leader instills confidence in all those subject to their decision making. It bodes well…
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A nation of normalized corruption
If you have ever found yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of being in a toxic and dysfunctional relationship characterized by daily physical and/or verbal abuse, public humiliation, intimidation, deceit, infidelity, impropriety at your expense and outright hostility to the point of being in a constant state of fear or anxiety, you know better than most…
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Learning how to win
Back during my enlisted naval service, I vividly remember talking with a few shipmates who had been Navy recruiters. Recruiting requires a mindset similar to that of politics. It not only deals heavily with numbers but also salesmanship. The better the sales pitch the better the numbers. To improve each, The Navy sent new recruiters…
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Wrapping up Volume 45
As 2019 ebbs out, the annual ritual of waxing nostalgic assumes center stage. One thing about keeping a daily journal is it makes one very aware of time in the sense of days, weeks, months and years that have passed. As this tailored ponderable undergoes its yearly evaluation, here are some items worthy of note….
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Five years of Reason Rest Stop
Just like that, earlier this month RRS celebrated its fifth anniversary of offering liberal news and views from the Mother Road’s most conservative stretch. Due to a larger endeavor taken on by Yours Truly, postings have declined considerably in 2019 and that trend will continue for the foreseeable future. That by no means should be…
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A look back in crisis
It has been a year of milestone anniversaries both personal, national and universal. While reflecting on some of them this morning I vividly recalled what happened forty years ago today on the other side of the globe. After years of undemocratic despot governance by the autocratic Shah of Iran, low popularity and critical illness necessitated…
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Selflessness above and beyond the call
What exactly defines heroism and what exactly is a hero? I have invested a lot of time over the years pondering these definitions. Lately though I have devoted a lot of thought to one of the oft used sayings in the current patriotic parlance, “All gave some. Some gave all.” After being made aware of…
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A marathon run
In the beginning of an undertaking the level of enthusiasm is often the greatest. Energy, optimism, emotion and resolve are usually at their peak, fresh and intact regardless of motivation. The feeling of euphoria pervading all involved provides that essential element of group cohesion, that being a sense of common purpose. Purity of cause, hopes…
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