Oh, how glorious it is to have pets, especially dogs, especially dogs with character and especially dogs with special talents! It seems I often find myself in the pleasant company of dog people, either people who rescue them, train them, or merely keep them as their closest friends. This often causes me to wax nostalgically of my now departed old best friend, a pure breed Pomeranian by the name of Lil’ Red.
Red was definitely a dog with character and specific talent. He was named after the dancing native that once served as the unofficial mascot of the Oklahoma Sooners. He had a beautiful sable red coat but had a bare butt and a pig’s tail! Red was a politically conscious dog and served as Precinct Chair of the Dogs Against Romney political action group in the runup to the 2012 General Election. He loved to ride in the car and RV and usually rode in my lap when circumstances allowed. His #1 talent though was charming the ladies. Red was a bachelor’s dream buddy! Whenever a lady came home with me he could look at her with his little puppy dog eyes and the clothes would start falling off! Oh, what a friend Red was!
Sadly, dogs like people eventually get old and go away. It was two years ago this afternoon I had to say goodbye to the best canine friend I ever had. Red may be gone but his body of work endures! With each passing year his talent for charming the ladies becomes a greater legend and a fonder memory during my dry spells.
Here’s to the Legend of Lil’Red!
An oasis of logic in the lunacy of the religious bible belt’s buckle.
This will be a location to address all subjects of question using logic and reason.
Congrats to my life long friend for putting this up!